Call for papers | Research and participatory didactics in universities and professional training 

Acrilico su tela di Martina Sk.

Curators: Tiziana Tarsia, Maura Tripi, Chiara Vanadia

Knowledge production is a process of co-production in which various subjects (students, researchers, people who live in marginal social contexts) participate and interact with experiences and heterogenous  knowledge.  It consists, therefore, of a situated and participating  process. According to this vision every person is an expert and can  “legitimately”collaborate  (Lave and Wenger) to the conceptualization of new knowledge.

Participation, though, is not an easy process. It is not spontaneous, nor natural or individual: it is based on the interaction with others, on the personal effort of getting in the game and share one’s own knowledge. A participatory approach to building knowledge processes - restricts unidirectional perspectives and adds value to the contradictions and conflicts which may arise from different scenarios and multidisciplinary areas. The -high heterogeneity and interdisciplinarity of professional experiences and of daily life may generate, indeed, spaces in which the exploration of concrete problems may create conditions to changes at micro, meso and macro level which may affect style of work for all the teachers, educators and social workers  through which they act. It is properly the -activation of a situated and participative process that allows to explicit, at least in part, tacit knowledge (Polanyi, Collins), with the aim of negotiating -it and code it for then externalizing it  (Nonaka) among schools, different educational agencies, and organizations where educators, teachers and social workers work.

From these  premises, we are willing to gather analysis, studies, researches and experiences realized in universities and in the professional training courses for adults, in which such participative, processual and multidisciplinary approaches put in dialogue teachers, students, researchers and who lives in marginal and vulnerable contexts in the co-production of knowledge.

The section Primopiano of “Educazione aperta” will host contributions which would describe:

  1. transformative and emancipatory practices in which particular attention is given to the analysis of critical nodes which operate during the process of -knowledge building ;
  2. didactic university experiences and professional training for adults but also -research projects that actively involve different subjects;
  3. analysis of field-research which had as a result the activation of transformative processes at the level of third sector organizations, services and educational agencies’s governance;
  4. analysis of processes which facilitated paths of changing in organizations and universities as the output of didactic courses and participatory research;
  5. studies concerning conflictual dynamics emerged from didactic processes and participatory research;
  6. research projects already settled or close to the end which may have used creative and performative methods and participatory techniques, with the purpose of involving actively people who lives situations of social vulnerability and marginality;
  7. co-research projects with university students, social workers and people hosted in social services of different areas (educational, sanitary, social assistential sectors).

Submitted abstracts must be unpublished.

They can be submitted in Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese or French.

The authors must strictly comply according the editorial rules available at this link:

The abstract should not exceed 3000 characters in English and in the language of the article (if it is different from English), by 30 October 2022 to

The editorial staff will communicate the selected proposals by 15 November, 2022.

Complete articles must be received by 31 January, 2023.

Accepted paper, at the end of a double-blind review process, will be published in issue 13 of Educazione Aperta in summer 2023.

For more information: